The Far File and Archive Manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Technical Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents: I. Far Manager: advanced settings. 1.1. General/miscellaneous. 1.2. System. 1.3. Executor. 1.4. Policies. 1.5. Interface. 1.6. Panel. 1.7. Dialog. 1.8. Editor. 1.9. XLat. II. Windows: settings that apply to Far Manager. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Far Manager: advanced settings. =============================================================================== This section describes the advanced technical information, not included in the main help file, that is actual for the current Far Manager version. ===================== 1.1. General/miscellaneous. ===================== 1.1.0.(TechInfo #0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Key "/u " The data from [HKCU\Software\Far Manager] is copied into [HKCU\Software\Far Manager\Users] only if the following registry branch doesn't exist: [HKCU\Software\Far Manager\Users\]. Only the following branches are not copied: [HKCU\Software\Far Manager\Users] and [HKCU\Software\Far Manager\PluginsCache]. That means that changing parameters described below will not affect existing user profiles. Setting for "" should be changed relative to the branch [HKCU\Software\Far Manager\Users\]. 1.1.1.(TechInfo #3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New command line parameter - "/co". (the full description is given in the help file) 1.1.2.(TechInfo #12) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Help] "ActivateURL":REG_DWORD The key "Help/ActivateURL" of DWORD type allows to control URL references activation in HLF files: 0 - do not use URL activation. 1 - use URL activation. 2 - use URL activation, but show a warning message. If activation is on and nothing happens, then try to add 256 to the current value, it will enable the second activation variant. The default value is 1. 1.1.3.(TechInfo #22) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\KeyMacros] The documentation on macros has been moved to the "Encyclopedia for Developers". 1.1.4.(TechInfo #28) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Colors] The registry branch describing file highlighting [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Highlight] has been moved as a sub-branch into [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Colors\Highlight]. 1.1.5.(TechInfo #35) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Plugins\Network] "HiddenSharesAsHidden":REG_DWORD The key "Plugins/Network/HiddenSharesAsHidden" of DWORD type enables showing hidden shares in the Network plugin with the Hidden attribute. The default value is 1 - set the Hidden attribute for hidden shares. 1.1.6.(TechInfo #40) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ User menu caption If you think that a user menu caption looking like "Main menu (Registry)" is a poor design choice, you can make a small correction in the LNG files: change the line after the label "// < (Registry)>" to an empty string and restart the Far Manager. After that, the user menu caption will look like "Main menu". 1.1.7.(TechInfo #47) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Confirmations] "EscTwiceToInterrupt":REG_DWORD The key "Confirmations/EscTwiceToInterrupt" of DWORD type allows to control the handling of the Esc key in the interrupt confirmation message box. Can have one of the following values: 0 - Pressing ESC closes the message box and continues the operation 1 - Pressing ESC closes the message box and interrupts the operation The default value is 0 (close the message and continue the operation). 1.1.8.(TechInfo #52) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\SavedDialogHistory] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\SavedFolderHistory] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\SavedHistory] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\SavedViewHistory] "HistoryCount":REG_DWORD The key "Saved???/HistoryCount" of DWORD type specifies history size (in positions) for dialog input lines, visited folders, executed commands, viewed and edited files. The default value is 64 positions. 1.1.9.(TechInfo #66) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The registry value "Panel\AutoChangeFolder" has moved to "Panel\Tree\AutoChangeFolder". This means that the option "Auto change folder" must be set anew. 1.1.10.(TechInfo #70) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Plugins\AdvCompare] "CompareBufferSize":REG_DWORD The key "Plugins/AdvCompare/CompareBufferSize" of DWORD type allows to change the size of the compare buffer (in bytes) of the Advanced Compare plugin. The default value is 32768 bytes. 1.1.11.(TechInfo #71) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Plugins\MultiArc\TryIfNoOther] "fmt-module-name":REG_DWORD This parameter of DWORD type decreases the priority of the corresponding fmt-module in the process of selecting the appropriate module for handling the archive. Usually it should be applied to custom.fmt, wcx.fmt and upx.fmt. Possible values: 0 - normal priority (default); 1 - lower priority. The search order is all normal-priority modules, then the rest if needed. Example: Headers of some SFX rar-archives are compressed with UPX. If the upx.fmt is present the archive is first opened as a compressed exe-file and then as rar-sfx. If "upx.fmt"=dword:1 such an archive will be treated as an usual rar-sfx. Compressed exe-files that are not rar SFX will still be handled by upx.fmt. 1.1.12.(TechInfo #72) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "SavePluginFoldersHistory":REG_DWORD The key "System/SavePluginFoldersHistory" of DWORD type allows to save plugin paths to the folders history (in the registry). Can have one of the following values: 0 - plugin paths are shown in the history but not saved to the registry. 1 - plugin paths are shown in the history and saved to the registry. The default value is 0 (do not save plugin paths to the registry). 1.1.13.(TechInfo #77) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\KeyBarLabels] Parameters in registry key "KeyBarLabels" allow to redefine labels of function keys without modifying LNG-files. This key has high priority: initially, Far reads labels of function keys from LNG-file, then changes label values to values from this registry key (if corresponding label was found). Structure: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\KeyBarLabels\LANGUAGE\AREA] "KEYNAME"="Value" Here LANGUAGE - English name of interface language, same spelling as in ".Language" parameter of LNG-file (between '=' and ','); for example, English or Russian. AREA - area where label is active; these areas are recognized: "Shell", "Help", "Editor", "Viewer", "QView", "Tree", "Info" KEYNAME - name of the key in the macro notation (for Ctrl-Alt-F7 combination the KEYNAME is "CtrlAltF7"); only function keys from F1 to F12 are recognized (in combination with Alt, Ctrl, and Shift modifiers). For example, to label F1 as "Manual" in editor, you need to specify: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\KeyBarLabels\English\Editor] "F1"="Manual" ===================== 1.2. System. ===================== 1.2.0.(TechInfo #2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Far Manager\System] "TemplatePluginsPath":REG_SZ This is a template for the personal plugins path. Environment variables can be used here. Example: "%SystemRoot%\Profiles\%USERNAME%\Far Manager\Plugins" This path will be used for newly created users (/u command line switch) as the default value for: "Options|System settings|Path for personal plugins" 1.2.1.(TechInfo #7) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "AllCtrlAltShiftRule":REG_DWORD The key "System/AllCtrlAltShiftRule" of DWORD type specifies behavior of the Ctrl-Alt-Shift combination for temporary hiding of the interface objects: If the bit is set, hiding is enabled. Bit numbers: 0 - File panels 1 - Editor 2 - Viewer 3 - Help window 4 - Dialogs By default hiding of all objects is enabled. See also TechInfo #68. 1.2.2.(TechInfo #9) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "CmdHistoryRule":REG_DWORD The key "System/CmdHistoryRule" of DWORD type specifies behavior of command history recalling in the command line, if Esc was pressed after Ctrl-E/Ctrl-X: 0 - Change the position in history. 1 - Do not change the position in history. The default value is 0. 1.2.3.(TechInfo #11) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "MaxPositionCache":REG_DWORD The key "System/MaxPositionCache" of DWORD type specifies the size of the cache used to save file positions of the editor/viewer. The minimal value is 16, maximum is 128. The default value is 64. 1.2.4.(TechInfo #15) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "SetAttrFolderRules":REG_DWORD The "System/SetAttrFolderRules" key of DWORD type specifies the behavior of the attribute settings dialog when changing attributes for a single directory. If this option is set to 1, then the "Process subfolders" checkbox will be unset for a single directory. Setting this option to 0 enables the same behavior as in Far prior to the version 1.70. By default the value 1 is used (the checkbox is unset for a single directory). 1.2.5.(TechInfo #17) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "ExceptRules":REG_DWORD The key "System/ExceptRules" of DWORD type allows to disable exception handling during Far operation and is designed mainly for plugin developers. It is also possible to disable exception handling by running Far with the "/x" command line parameter. To disable exception handling, set this parameter to 0. The default value is 1 - handle exceptions. 1.2.6.(TechInfo #23) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "CopyBufferSize":REG_DWORD The key "System/CopyBufferSize" of DWORD type sets the size of the copy buffer. If it is set to 0, the default size (0x10000 bytes) is used. By default, the value is 0, meaning that the default copy buffer size is used. 1.2.7.(TechInfo #26) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "CopyTimeRule":REG_DWORD The parameter can be changed in the configuration dialog - Options|Interface settings 1.2.8.(TechInfo #27) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "ConsoleDetachKey":REG_SZ The key "System/ConsoleDetachKey" of REG_SZ type allows to specify the key combination that can be used to detach the Far Manager console from a non-interactive process running in it. If a long-running process (for example, archiving) was run in a Far console, and for some reasons this very instance of Far is needed (an editor in the background) or it is undesirable to run a new instance of Far, pressing this key combination will create a new console for Far where it will continue running as if the process has already ended, and the process will continue working in the old console. For example, the value of "ConsoleDetachKey" equal to "CtrlAltX" assigns the shortcut Ctrl-Alt-X to the detach function. The default value is "CtrlAltTab". 1.2.9.(TechInfo #29) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "WipeSymbol":REG_DWORD The "System/WipeSymbol" key of DWORD type specifies the code of the filler character for the "Wipe file" operation (Alt-Del). The lower byte of the parameter is used. The default value is 0. 1.2.10.(TechInfo #31) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "FlagPosixSemantics":REG_DWORD The "System/FlagPosixSemantics" key of DWORD type specifies the behaviour of the history and position cache for the internal viewer and editor. 0 - file names are case insensitive 1 - file names are case sensitive This parameter is meaningful only under Windows NT/2000. The default value is: Windows 9x = 0 Windows NT/2000 = 1 1.2.11.(TechInfo #33) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "MsWheelDelta":REG_DWORD "MsWheelDeltaView":REG_DWORD "MsWheelDeltaEdit":REG_DWORD "MsWheelDeltaHelp":REG_DWORD The keys "System/MsWheelDelta*" of DWORD type specify the scrolling delta: "System/MsWheelDelta" - in the panels, "System/MsWheelDeltaView" - in the viewer, "System/MsWheelDeltaEdit" - in the editor. "System/MsWheelDeltaHelp" - in the help. These parameters are used under Windows 2000 and above. The default values are 1. "MsHWheelDelta":REG_DWORD "MsHWheelDeltaView":REG_DWORD "MsHWheelDeltaEdit":REG_DWORD The keys "System/MsHWheelDelta*" of DWORD type specify the horizontal scrolling delta: "System/MsHWheelDelta" - in the panels, "System/MsHWheelDeltaView" - in the viewer, "System/MsHWheelDeltaEdit" - in the editor. These parameters are used under Windows Vista and above. The default values are 1. 1.2.12.(TechInfo #34) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "QuotedSymbols":REG_SZ The key "System/QuotedSymbols" of REG_SZ type allows to specify the set of characters that will cause Far to quote filenames when those characters are present in them. You may specify up to 32 characters. The default value is " &()[]{}^=;!'+,`". 1.2.13.(TechInfo #36) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "SubstNameRule":REG_DWORD The key "System/SubstNameRule" of DWORD type specifies the rule of querying drives to find SUBSTed drives. Bits: 0 - if set, then removable drives are queried 1 - if set, then all other drives are queried The default value is 2 - query all non-removable drives. 1.2.14.(TechInfo #37) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "ShowCheckingFile":REG_DWORD The key"System/ShowCheckingFile" of DWORD type allows to display the name of the plugin being checked in the title of the Far Manager window, while Far checks plugins after Enter or Ctrl-PgDn is pressed on a file. The default value is 0 - do not display the information. 1.2.15.(TechInfo #39) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "LCID":REG_DWORD The key "System/LCID" of DWORD type allows to specify the locale used for sorting file names. You can find all the necessary information on the possible values of this parameter in the header file "winnt.h". For example, there are the following predefined values: 0x00000400 LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT - current user locale 0x00000800 LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT - system default locale 0x00000000 LOCALE_NEUTRAL - neutral locale You will need to restart Far after changing the value of this parameter. The default value is 0x00000400 (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT). 1.2.16.(TechInfo #42) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "SubstPluginPrefix":REG_DWORD The key "System/SubstPluginPrefix" of DWORD type allows to control plugin prefix substitution in operations for inserting the path to an object (Ctrl-F, Ctrl-[ and so on) invoked from a plugin panel. If the value is equal to 1, Far will automatically prepend the plugin prefix to the path (except for plugins that point to real files, like the Temporary panel). If the value is equal to 0, Far does not prepend prefixes. The default value is 0. 1.2.17.(TechInfo #46) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "CloseConsoleRule":REG_DWORD The key "System/CloseConsoleRule" of DWORD type allows to control automatic settings saving when the user clicks the close button ([x]) of the Far Manager console window. This rule has effect only if the option "System settings | Auto save setup" is enabled. The rule does not work under Windows 9x. Known problems: If the close button is clicked when there is an unsaved file in the editor, Far shows the save prompt, but the system still terminates the process without waiting for the user's response. Can have one of the following values: 0 - do not save the settings 1 - attempt to save the current settings The default value is 1 (attempt to save the current settings). 1.2.18.(TechInfo #48) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "UseNumPad":REG_DWORD The key "System/UseNumPad" of DWORD type enables the mechanism for distinguishing the keys on the numerical keypad from the corresponding keys on the main keyboard. If the mechanism is enabled, for example, Ctrl-Numpad7 is treated as CtrlNum7. If it is disabled, this key is treated as CtrlHome. Known problems: There may be some problems with assigning macros to Shift-NumpadN combinations when NumLock is off. The problems can happen with any state of the UseNumPad option. Can have one of the following values: 0 - do not distinguish keys on the main keyboard and numerical keypad 1 - distinguish keys on the main keyboard and numerical keypad Default value = 1 (distinguish). 1.2.19.(TechInfo #50) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "QuotedName":REG_DWORD File or folder names, containing characters specified in rule 34, will be quoted when inserted into the editor/command line or the clipboard. The key "System/QuotedName" of DWORD type controls this behaviour. Bits: 0 - if set then file or folder names will be quoted inserted into the editor/command line. 1 - if set then file or folder names will be quoted inserted into the clipboard. The default value = 0xFFFFFFFF (quote file or folders names). 1.2.20.(TechInfo #51) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "SilentLoadPlugin":REG_DWORD If Far couldn't load a plugin DLL it showed an error message. This option allows to suppress those messages. Possible values: 0 - show messages about errors occurred while loading plugin modules. 1 - don't show error messages. Default value = 0 (show messages) 1.2.21.(TechInfo #60) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "IgnoreErrorBadPathName":REG_DWORD Parameter "System/IgnoreErrorBadPathName" of DWORD type makes it possible to ignore error code ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME under Windows 9x/Me, that is erroneously returned by operating system (FindNextFile() from Windows API) at the end of obtaining file list of empty directory on a network mounted disk that is provided by server, which uses OS Unix with some new versions of Samba software (e.g., v3.0.4). Similar problem occurs also with COMMAND.COM of Windows versions mentioned above, during executing DIR command, when it is applied to the described directory. This problem does not exist in Windows Explorer, Norton Commander (both DOS and Windows), Total Commander, etc., and also under Windows 2000 and Windows XP. This parameter gives possibility, for example, to avoid message "Path not found", when Far enters such directory. Can have one of the following values: 0 - don't ignore error 1 - ignore error Default value = 0 (don't ignore error ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME). 1.2.22.(TechInfo #62) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "UsePrintManager":REG_DWORD The key "System/UsePrintManager" of DWORD type allows to disable the automatic invocation of the "Print Manager" plugin assigned to the Alt-F5 combination in the panels, editor and viewer. It gives you the option to call this plugin using macro commands. The default value is 1 (use automatic invocation of the plugin). 1.2.23.(TechInfo #63) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "PluginMaxReadData":REG_DWORD The key "System/PluginMaxReadData" of DWORD type allows to set the maximum size of the data read from a file after an attempt to enter it from the panels (Enter or Ctrl-PgDn) was made. The data read will be passed to plugins to determine which plugin supports a file of this type. Minimum value - 0x1000. Maximum value - 0xFFFFFFFF. Setting a value above 5 MB is not recommended. The default value is 0x20000. 1.2.24.(TechInfo #68) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "CASRule":REG_DWORD The key "System/CASRule" of type DWORD allows to disable the Ctrl-Alt-Shift combination used for temporary hiding of the interface objects. Combinations of right and left Ctrl-Alt-Shift are distinguished. Bit numbers: 0 - left Ctrl-Alt-Shift combination. 1 - right Ctrl-Alt-Shift combination. If the bit is set, hiding of the interface works. By default both combinations are enabled. See also TechInfo #7. 1.2.25.(TechInfo #69) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "CopySecurityOptions":REG_DWORD The key "System/CopySecurityOptions" of DWORD type allows to control the state of the "Access rights" option of the Copy/Move dialogs. Bit map: 0 and 1 - Move dialog: set this option to "Copy" (bit 0 is set to 1, bit 1 is set to 0) or "Move" (both bits 0 and 1 are set to 1) by default; 2 - Move dialog: remember option state for the current Far session; 3 and 4 - Copy dialog: set this option to "Copy" (bit 3 is set to 1, bit 4 is set to 0) or "Move" (both bits 3 and 4 are set to 1) by default; 5 - Copy dialog: remember option state for the current Far session. The effect of bits 0 and 1 depends on the state of bit 2: 1. If bit 2 is set to 1 then the "Access rights" option will be set according to bits 0 and 1 only in the first time the Move dialog is called. If you change this option manually in the dialog then the next time the dialog is called this option will have the value previously set by you. The state of this option is saved only until the end of the current Far session. Next time you start Far this option will once again be set according to bits 0 and 1. 2. If bit 2 is set to 0, then the "Access rights" option will be set according to bits 0 and 1 every time the Move dialog is displayed. You can change the option but it will apply only to the current Move operation. The same rules apply to the effect of bits 3 and 4 depending on the state of bit 5 for the Copy dialog. Examples: 0x21 - always set the "Copy" action for the "Access rights" option in the Move dialog and set the default action for the Copy dialog where user setting will be remembered until Far is closed. 0xC0 - always set the "Copy" action for the "Access rights" option in the Copy dialog and set the default action for the Move dialog where user setting will be remembered until Far is closed. The default value is 0 (select the default option each time the dialog is opened). Remarks: 1. The "System/CopySecurityOptions" key does not affect the creation of links (Alt-F6). In this case the access right are always copied. 1.2.26.(TechInfo #76) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "FolderDeepScan":REG_DWORD Parameter "System/FolderDeepScan" of DWORD type allows to bypass limitations when working with directories whose names contain characters that were incorrectly mapped from ANSI to OEM. If parameter is enabled (=1), Far will try to receive information using short name when handling such directories. This option does not affect the work of copy engine. Possible values: 0 - disabled; 1 - also use short names; The default value is 0 (use only long names of directories) 1.2.27.(TechInfo #79) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System] "ExcludeCmdHistory":REG_DWORD Parameter "System/ExcludeCmdHistory" of DWORD type allows to define which types of commands will be excluded from history. Bit mask is used. If the bit is set, certain type of commands is excluded from history. Bit numbers: 0 - exclude from history Windows association commands 1 - exclude from history Far association commands 2 - exclude from history panel execution commands 3 - exclude from history command line execution commands The default value is 0 (all commands are included into history). ====================== 1.3. Executor. ====================== 1.3.0.(TechInfo #45) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System\Executor] "RestoreCP":REG_DWORD Parameter "System/Executor/RestoreCP" of DWORD type allows to control the possibility of restoring the code page after external programs are started from the Far Manager window and complete processing. Some programs change the code page of the console window and do not restore the previous value after completion. Can have one of the following values; 0 - "leave as is" (do not restore the value) 1 - restore the previous code page value The default value is 1 (restore the previous code page value). 1.3.1.(TechInfo #49) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System\Executor] "UseAppPath":REG_DWORD When executing the contents of the command line, Far searches for the executable in the following sequence (sequentially substituting all extensions listed in the environment variable %PATHEXT%): 1. The current directory 2. The directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable 3. Windows 95/98/Me: The Windows system directory. Windows NT/2000 or later: The 32-bit Windows system directory. 4. Windows NT/2000 or later: The 16-bit Windows system directory. 5. The Windows directory. If the key "Executor\UseAppPath" of DWORD type is set to 1, Far performs an additional search for the executables through the registry: 6. Contents of the registry branch: [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths] 7. Contents of the registry branch: [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths] For any setting of the "Executor\UseAppPath", the executable listed in "App Paths" will be started by the Explorer if the Shift-Enter key combination is used. The default value is 1 (check the registry branches). 1.3.2.(TechInfo #53) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System\Executor] "Type":REG_DWORD The key "System/Executor/Type" of DWORD type allows to activate extended functionality of the executer (see items 54). Can have one of the following values: 0 - deactivate. 1 - activate. The default value is 0 (deactivated). 1.3.3.(TechInfo #54) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System\Executor] "ExcludeCmds":REG_SZ The key "System/Executor/ExcludeCmds" of REG_SZ type allows to define a list of commands that will be immediately passed to %comspec% for execution, searching the PATH and alike will not be done. Command delimiter is ';'. For example if "ExcludeCmds" is set to "DATE;ECHO" then when 'date' is inputted the internal command of CMD.EXE/COMMAND.COM will be executed. To execute the external program "date.exe" the exact name must be given. On the other hand if "date.exe" is found in %PATH% and "DATE" is removed from "ExcludeCmds" then the internal command of the com. processor will never be executed. Ready made settings for CMD.EXE, COMMAND.COM and 4NT.EXE can be found in the Addons\SetUp folder, files "Executor.???.reg". The commands "CLS", "REM", "CD" and "CHDIR" are processed by Far on its own. Those commands are excluded from the "Executor.???.reg" files.. The commands "IF", "CHCP" and "SET" are not processed by Far in their entirety - if the syntax differs from the one explained in the "Operating system commands" help topic then the command execution will be handed over to the com. processor. This option is used only if the extended functionality of the executor is activated (see item 53). By default the "ExcludeCmds" list is empty. 1.3.4.(TechInfo #73) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System\Executor] "BatchType":REG_SZ The key "System/Executor/BatchType" of REG_SZ type allows to define a list of file extensions which will be used by Far Manager to distinguish batch files (files that are processed by the command line processor) so they will be executed inside the Far console windows when Enter is pressed on the corresponding panel item (others - in a new console window). List format: <.><;>[<.><;>] Separator - the semicolon (';') character. Single ";" character defines an empty list (in such a case no batch file will be executed by Far). For example, a list of ".BAT;.BTM;" defines that "*.BAT" and "*.BTM" are batch files. In DOS/Windows 9x batch files are defined as files having the ".BAT" extension. In the Windows NT product line - ".BAT" and ".CMD". The 4NT command line processor ( considers file with the ".BTM" extension to be batch files. If the ".BTM" extension is defined in the list but no settings for it exist in the system (i.e. 4NT is not installed) then the standard command processor ( or cmd.exe) will not execute such batch files. By default the "BatchType" list is set to ".BAT;.CMD;". 1.3.5.(TechInfo #74) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\System\Executor] "FullTitle":REG_DWORD The key "System/Executor/FullTitle" of type DWORD allows to set the console window title format for file execution. Possible values: 0 - console title shows what the user has typed. 1 - console title shows the full path of the running program. The default value is 0. ====================== 1.4. Policies. ====================== 1.4.0.(TechInfo #4) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Far Manager\Policies] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Policies] "DisabledOptions":REG_DWORD The key "Policies/DisabledOptions" of DWORD type controls access to the items of the Options menu. The access is specified with a bit mask. If a bit is set, the access to the respective option is denied. Bit numbers: 0 - System settings 1 - Panel settings 2 - Interface settings 3 - Languages 4 - Plugins configuration 5 - Dialog settings 6 - Confirmations 7 - File panel modes 8 - File descriptions 9 - Folder description files 11 - Viewer settings (it is allowed to modify viewer settings for a specific instance by pressing Alt-Shift-F9) 12 - Editor settings (it is allowed to modify editor settings for a specific instance by pressing Alt-Shift-F9) 14 - Colors 15 - Files highlighting 17 - Save setup The numbers 10,13,16 are ignored. Bit numbers for additional access parameters: 18 - allow creating macro commands 19 - ignore the '/p' command line parameter 20 - ignore the path to personal plugins 21 - Disable killing processes from Task List and Process List plugin. The key in HKLM allows to forbid individual options for all users, the key in HKCU affects only the current user. The values from HKLM and HKCU are combined by a logical OR. This means that it is only possible to add additional restrictions for specific users, and not to relax restrictions. 1.4.1.(TechInfo #30) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Far Manager\Policies] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Policies] "ShowHiddenDrives":REG_DWORD The key "Policies/ShowHiddenDrives" of DWORD type allows Far to use the Windows settings for hiding logical drives from the system ("Hide Drives in My Computer") 0 - Far shows only allowed drives (taking into account the value of the system policy parameter "NoDrives"). 1 - the feature is disabled, Far shows all the drives, independently of the value of the "NoDrives" registry setting [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] The key in HKLM allows to specify the options for all users, the key in HKCU - only for the current user. If the parameter in HKLM is equal to 0 (do not show hidden drives for all users), the parameter in HKCU is ignored. The default value is 1. ====================== 1.5. Interface. ====================== 1.5.0.(TechInfo #21) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Interface] "HotkeyRules":REG_DWORD The key "Interface/HotkeyRules" of DWORD type allows to select a mechanism for handling keyboard shortcuts: 1 - use an advanced shortcut handling mechanism not dependent on the active keyboard layout. 0 - use a mechanism compatible with Far 1.65 and lower. This rule should be used only if you generate keyboard layouts using the tool "Janko's Keyboard Generator" (http://solair.eunet.yu/~janko/engdload.htm) or similar tools that produce incorrect .kbd files. The default value is 1. 1.5.1.(TechInfo #24) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Interface] "ShiftsKeyRules":REG_DWORD The key "Interface/ShiftsKeyRules" of DWORD type allows to choose the mechanism for handling keyboard shortcuts with modifiers Alt-, Ctrl-, Alt-Shift-, Ctrl-Shift-, Ctrl-Alt- in non-English keyboard layouts. 1 - use an advanced mechanism for handling keyboard shortcuts. For example, Alt-NonEnglishCharacter will be translated to Alt-EnglishCharacter (except for quick search in the panels). 0 - use the mechanism compatible with Far 1.70 beta 2 and lower. The default value is 1. 1.5.2.(TechInfo #25) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Interface] "CursorSize1":REG_DWORD "CursorSize2":REG_DWORD "CursorSize3":REG_DWORD "CursorSize4":REG_DWORD The keys "Interface/CursorSize1" and "Interface/CursorSize2" of DWORD type allow to set the insert mode cursor size for the window and fullscreen modes of Far. The keys "Interface/CursorSize3" and "Interface/CursorSize4" of DWORD type allow to set the overwrite mode cusrsor size for the window and fullscreen modes of Far. The values of the parameters (numbers between 1 and 100) specify the fraction of the character cell (in percents) filled by the cursor. The cursor can change from a completely full cell to a horizontal line at the bottom of the cell. The values equal to 0 allow to use the system console settings. The default values are: "CursorSize1"=15 "CursorSize2"=10 "CursorSize3"=99 "CursorSize4"=99 1.5.3.(TechInfo #38) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Interface] "AltF9":REG_DWORD The key "Interface/AltF9" of DWORD type allows to select the mode of handling the Alt-F9 combination (Change the console size) in the windowed mode: 1 - use advanced mode - the Far Manager window will switch from its current size to the maximum possible size of a console window and back. The font size of the console window will not change. 0 - use the mode compatible with Far 1.65 and earlier, that is, switching between 25/50 lines. This parameter has effect only in the windowed mode of Far Manager. By default the rule is on (1) for the Windows NT family. For Windows 9x family the rule is off (0) by default and it is not recommended to turn it on as it causes considerable visual distortions (while changing console size) and there it no possibility to save the size of the console window between sessions of Far Manager. 1.5.4.(TechInfo #64) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Interface] "ShowTimeoutDelFiles":REG_DWORD The key "Interface/ShowTimeoutDelFiles" of DWORD type allows to control the refresh timeout (in ms) of the file deletion process message box. For bigger values of "ShowTimeoutDelFiles" the process information is updated less often which speeds up the deletion process itself. The default value is 50 ms. 1.5.5.(TechInfo #65) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Interface] "ShowTimeoutDACLFiles":REG_DWORD The key "Interface/ShowTimeoutDACLFiles" of DWORD type allows to control the refresh timeout (in ms) of the access rights application process message box that is done after a copy/move operation. For bigger values of "ShowTimeoutDACLFiles" the process information is updated less often which speeds up the access rights application process itself. The default value is 50 ms. 1.5.6.(TechInfo #78) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Interface] "FormatNumberSeparators":REG_DWORD The key "Interface/FormatNumberSeparators" of DWORD type allows to redefine decimal and digit grouping separator symbols. High word - code of digit grouping separator symbol. Low word - code of decimal separator symbol. The default value is 0 (use OS regional settings). ===================== 1.6. Panel. ===================== 1.6.0.(TechInfo #6) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Panel] "RightClickRule":REG_DWORD The key "Panel/RightClickRule" of DWORD type specifies behavior of the right mouse button for the case if the button was pressed in an empty panel column: 0 - position to and select the last file in the previous panel column. 1 - position to the last file in the previous panel column, but do not select it (as if the left mouse button was clicked). 2 - do not change position and do not select a file (default) In any case, if the panel column is not empty, the file is selected. 1.6.1.(TechInfo #8) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Panel] "CtrlAltShiftRule":REG_DWORD The key "Panel/CtrlAltShiftRule" of DWORD type specifies behavior of the Ctrl-Alt-Shift for temporary hiding of the panels: 0 - hide panels (like Ctrl-O). 1 - hide panels and command line. 2 - hide panels, command line and KeyBar. The default value is 0. 1.6.2.(TechInfo #14) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Panel] "CtrlFRule":REG_DWORD The key "Panel/CtrlFRule" of DWORD type specifies the Ctrl-F behavior. When it is 0, the pathname of the file is put into the command line as is, otherwise - as it is shown on the panel (that is, the filename may be converted to lowercase or the short file name may be used). The default is 1 (as it is shown on the panel). 1.6.3.(TechInfo #43) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Panel\Layout] "ScrollbarMenu":REG_DWORD The key "Panel/Layout/ScrollbarMenu" of DWORD type enables showing of the scrollbar in menus if the number of items exceeds the menu height. If the value is equal to 0, Far will not show the scrollbar. The default value is 1 (show the scrollbar). 1.6.4.(TechInfo #75) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Panel] "ShellRightLeftArrowsRule":REG_DWORD Parameter "ShellRightLeftArrowsRule" of DWORD type allows to control the Left/Right arrow keys behaviour (of both main keyboard and keypad). Values: 0 - behaviour like in 1.70: if command line is not empty, Left/Right arrow keys and Num4/Num6 operate in different ways depending on the panel mode: if file names are shown in several columns (modes 2 and 3 by default), then left and right commands are applied to the panel (as with empty command line); if file names are shown in one column (all other modes by default), then left and right commands are applied to the command line. 1 - Left/Right arrow keys and Num4/Num6 are always applied only to the panel (if it is active) regardless of command line and panel mode. Note: CtrlD/CtrlS shortcuts can be used in command line. The default value is 0. ====================== 1.7. Dialog. ====================== 1.7.0.(TechInfo #5) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Dialog/EULBsClear] (the option is configured through Options|Dialog Settings) 1.7.1.(TechInfo #41) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Dialog] "SelectFromHistory":REG_DWORD The key "Dialog/SelectFromHistory" of DWORD type allows to change the cursor positioning behaviour when a history list for a dialog input line is first opened. If the value is equal to 1, the cursor is positioned to the item that is equal to the current value of the input line (if such an item exists in the list). If the value is equal to 0, the cursor is always positioned to the first item in the list. The default value is 0. 1.7.2.(TechInfo #61) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Dialog] "CBoxMaxHeight":REG_DWORD The key "Dialog/CBoxMaxHeight" of DWORD type specifies the maximum height for dialog history lists. The default value is 8. ====================== 1.8. Editor. ====================== 1.8.0.(TechInfo #1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Editor] "WordDiv":REG_SZ Words delimiters. Used by the internal editor for the Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right functions and for the "whole words" search. Maximum 255 characters. Default ~!%^&*()+|{}:"<>?`-=\[];',./ 1.8.1.(TechInfo #13) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Editor] "BSLikeDel":REG_DWORD The "Editor/BSLikeDel" key of the DWORD type allows to control the effect of the BackSpace key when a vertical block is selected in the editor. If this value is nonzero, the BackSpace deletes the vertical block like the DEL key. By default this value is equal to 1 (BS deletes the selected vertical block). 1.8.2.(TechInfo #18) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Editor] "EditorF7Rules":REG_DWORD The key "Editor/EditorF7Rules" of DWORD type allows to control the behaviour of the search function in the editor. If the value is equal to 1, forward search (F7, the option "Reverse search" is not set) will start from the next cursor position, if it is equal to 0, the search will start from the current cursor position. The default value is 1. 1.8.3.(TechInfo #19) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Editor] "ReadOnlyLock":REG_DWORD The key "Editor/ReadOnlyLock" of DWORD type specifies the behaviour of the editor when opening files with ReadOnly, Hidden or System attributes. In addition to the options that can be configured in the editor settings dialog (("Disable editing of read-only files" and "Warn when opening read-only files"), that are stored in bits 0 and 1 respectively, the following options can be specified: bit 5 - apply settings also to files with the Hidden attribute bit 6 - apply settings also to files with the System attribute The bits 2-4 are not used. For example, the value 0x43 means "show a warning and lock files with ReadOnly and System attributes". The default value is 0x0000 1.8.4.(TechInfo #20) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Editor] "FileSizeLimit":REG_DWORD The key "Editor/FileSizeLimit" of DWORD type specifies the maximum size of files that can be edited in bytes. If the size of a file being edited exceeds the maximum size, a warning message will be shown before opening the file. The value 0 disables the size checking and the warning. The default value is 0 (unlimited size). 1.8.5.(TechInfo #32) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Editor] "CharCodeBase":REG_DWORD The key "Editor/CharCodeBase" of DWORD type allows to change the representation of the current character code in the editor status line. Can have one of the following values: 0 - octal value (3 characters with leading zeros) 1 - decimal value (3 characters with leading spaces) 2 - hexadecimal value (2 digits + the character 'h') The default value is 1 - decimal value. 1.8.6.(TechInfo #44) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Editor] "EditorUndoSize":REG_DWORD The value "Editor/EditorUndoSize" of type DWORD allows to change the size of undo buffer in the editor. It indicates the number of stored operations (not the bytesize of the buffer) and can be in the range from 64 up to 2147483645. If the value falls out of that range, it is considered to equal 64. Default value is 2048. 1.8.7.(TechInfo #67) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\Editor] "AllowEmptySpaceAfterEof":REG_DWORD The end of the file in the editor is always at the bottom of the screen, if there are more lines in the file than in on the screen. When scrolling down (e.g. using Ctrl-Down) the scrolling stops when the last line is shown. The value "Editor/AllowEmptySpaceAfterEof" of type DWORD allows to change this behaviour. Can have one of the following values: 0 - stop scrolling if the last line is at the bottom of the screen. 1 - continue scrolling but: a) it is still impossible to position the cursor beyond the end of file b) scrolling using Ctrl-Down will scroll the text up to the cursor Default value is = 0. ===================== 1.9. XLat. ===================== Translates the selected block according to the rules table (see %FARHOME%\Addons\Xlat\*.reg). Function is called by Far macro language $XLat operator, which can be assigned to any key combination. 1.9.0.(TechInfo #10) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\XLat] The parameter "Flags" determines the behaviour of the XLat function. Bits: 0 - under Windows NT family, switch to the next available keyboard layout after performing the translation. (см. так же описание бита 2) 1 - emit a beep after performing the translation. 2 - Использовать предопределенные именованные правила для "двойных" клавиш. Параметр в реестре c именем раскладки, например: "HKCU\Software\Far Manager\XLat/00000409:REG_SZ" обозначает "набирали по-русски в английской раскладке" "HKCU\Software\Far Manager\XLat/00000419:REG_SZ" обозначает "набирали по-английски в русской раскладке" и т.п. Так же, если установлен бит 0, то переключение раскладок происходит только по списку значений, перечисленных в "HKCU\Software\Far Manager\XLat/Layouts:REG_SZ", независимо от количества установленных в системе раскладок. 16 - Конвертировать всю командную строку при отсутствии выделенного блока. The default value is 0x00010001 (switch the keyboard layout). 1.9.1.(TechInfo #16) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\XLat] "WordDivForXlat":REG_SZ Word delimiter symbols for the XLat function (for transliteration of the currrent word without selection). Can contain no more than 255 symbols. The default value is ' \t!#$%^&*()+|"=\[]/@?'. 1.9.2.(TechInfo #80) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far Manager\XLat] "Layouts":REG_SZ Номера раскладок клавиатуры (через ';'), которые будут переключаться, независимо от количества установленных в системе раскладок. Например, "04090409;04190419" (или "0409;0419"). Если указано меньше двух, то механизм "отключается" и раскладки переключаются по кругу, все. Far для "Layouts" считывает первые 10 значений, остальные, если есть, игнорируются. По умолчанию значению отсутствует. II. Windows: settings that apply to Far Manager. =============================================================================== This section describes the additional technical information that has some appliance to Far Manager. 2.0.(TechInfo #57) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shellex\CopyHookHandlers] registry key is empty Far removes it when started. If this key is empty then Far will crash when deleting files to the recycle bin. 2.1.(TechInfo #58) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "AutoEndTasks":REG_DWORD System: Automatically Close Hung Applications. This option is used to force Windows to automatically close without any warning applications that have hung. Can be one of the following values: 0 - off. 1 - allow to automatically close hung applications. Default value is 0 (off). Setting the key to "1" allows to eliminate the problem of closing the internal modal editor (e.g. editing a file inside an archive) using the standard "Close" button of the console window. For details see: 2.2.(TechInfo #59) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor] "DisableUNCCheck":REG_DWORD (applies only to NT4/2k/XP/2003/Vista/2008 and cmd.exe) The CMD.EXE normally disallows UNC names from being used for the current directory. When Far tries to execute a command of the command process and the current path is UNC then the following error message will be written to the console: "CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory. UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory." (the output might be different for NT4/W2k/XP/2003/Vista/2008) The key "DisableUNCCheck" allows to resolve this problem. The following values can be used: 0 - output a warning message and set the current path to Windows system folder. 1 - output no warning and try to set the current path to the UNC path. The default value is 0. Recommended value is 1. For details see: or Microsoft Article - Q156276 [ Far Manager development group ]